The Checksum needs to be calculated in Hex first, then converted to decimal using the calculator provided above. Please pay special attention when calculating the checksum. I have included the checksum calculation in Hex and Decimal for each command. Here are some Samsung Hex to Decimal conversions that will work with the above documented method.

Here are some links to our Support documentation regarding Serial connectivity

Here is the spec from the Samsung manual I believe the 3.5mm cable that comes with the TV is a NUL model cable intentionally, as it is used to daisy-chain multiple monitors together to utilize the MDC protocols. You can test this with a continuity meter and male sure the tip goes to the tip and the ring goes to the ring. The manual for the QM series states that they Receive on the "Ring", so if the BrightSign player Transmits on the Ring, a straight through cable would be required. You need to be using a Straight through cable for Samsungs. BrightSign players receive Data on the tip. By pulling the 3-wire TRS out like that, you are now connecting the tip of the cable to the ring of the player.