bin file in it to either your flash disk or memory card.

🍀UNSCRAMBLED CHANNELS UNLOCKING 🍀 Its all about a software 1.If your decoder has a USB port there is a software for that,you'll put it in an empty flash disk then to the USB port,then go to settings,upgrade option/software update,press okey, it should count upto 100%,and after its through, switch it off then on then automatic search and you're good to go 2.If it doesn't have a USB port,it obviously has a smartcard number or ICU number,there's a software for that,take the ICU number /smartcard number, and put it in the software then press start,make sure the decoder is on and within 5 minutes it will be though.The decoder should also count upto 100% and after that you'll be through 3.For free to air decoders use the same software as number 2 but this time put the serial number of your decoder then follow the same procedure as number 2 4. Guy am requesting if any of you has that dtb firmware. am using a unique sat 2090plus and i have ccam matele acount on it.but few days ago i realise the sharing option has dissapear in the multimedia section,so i tried to update it but with the wrong software’STARNET B1 1506T v10.10.08BYIK-MR.bin’.but it has not solve the isssue and after realising it was the wrong software i looked for unique sat 2090plus softwareUnique Sat 2090. Download the DTB firmware onto your Computer or Phone extract the zip folder then transfer the.